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Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS accompanied by their answers. If you fail to find what you're looking for on this page, please read it again before contacting HORROR GARAGE. Thanks!

Are you still publishing a print version of HORROR GARAGE?


Why did you stop publishing the print version?

HORROR GARAGE was finally suffering third degree burns from being tied to a burning wagon, a.k.a. publishing in print format. Advertising budgets had plummeted to a tenth of what they once were, no one's buying magazines, blah blah blah. A print version of HORROR GARAGE had just became unsustainable.

Are there any major differences between the print version of HORROR GARAGE and the web version?

Lots. We're publishing short stories online, but fiction isn't the sole focus. Check back for updates.

Is Paula Guran still involved with HORROR GARAGE?

No. Paula Guran edited the first six print issues and did a great job of it. Ultimately, though, she and Pitch ultimately had different visions of where they wanted HORROR GARAGE to go. Get your Paula Guran fix at www.darkecho.com.

Can I send you my music / film / story / article / Garage Grrl photos?

As far as music goes, HORROR GARAGE won't be running reviews at this time, but hearing a band or viewing a film is the first step to possibly getting a feature in HORROR GARAGE.

WARNING: We won't respond to publicist queries AT ALL. If we wish to pursue a feature, we'll contact YOU.

Please see the SUBMISSION page for more info.

How many submissions do you get over a certain period of time?

We receive over 100 submissions a month. Thank you in advance for not sending stories that are wholly inappropriate, with word counts far outside the guidelines, or which are written in broken English.

Is Mark McLaughlin as handsome in person as he is in the picture for his column header?

By all accounts, YES. He's a kickass writer, too!

What happened to the flash fiction anthology you were hoping to publish a few years back?

Unfortunately, LIFE happens. We hope to pick up the project again at some point, but for now it's on hold indefinitely.

Pitch also published UNDER THE VOLCANO, right?

Yup, for about sixteen years. UNDER THE VOLCANO was a pretty well-known underground music zine. We've ceased the print version of UNDER THE VOLCANO, but hope to delve into its own web equivalent sometime in the future.

Is it true that Pitch Black lives in a haunted house?

Kind of. Actually, he lives in a dank basement, right next to the boiler. And yes, there have been some weird goings-on over the years. Some events -- like a computer that burst into flames -- could possibly be explained by electrical anomalies, tricks of light, etc. On the other hand, there have been far more numerous periods of what might be considered "poltergeist activity" -- lights and appliances turning on by themselves, ghostly footsteps, objects moving. This type of activity seems to coincide with Pitch more or less "dating" (we use that term VERY loosely!) someone. A jealous spirit? Cosmic blue balls? Who knows? Hell, it's RONKONKOMA!